Straw Boaters

We're in our house! A more detailed post with photos and etc. will follow, but first I wanted to share this morning's commute to school and the sheer cuteness that ensued. We live about 2.5 km from the kids' school, up hill both ways. Since Tuesday afternoon the kids and I have spent each commute figuring the optimal …

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First Day of School, or the Japanese Train Sandwich

First day of school! The school supplies, the new uniforms, the 75-minute each way commute.... The kids’ are attending St. Maur International School, an international Catholic school in Yokohama. Yokohama is the next city over from Yokosuka, where Mark works. We decided to live closer to the kids’ school than Mark’s work, and the plan …

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When is Sushi Go Round like IHOP?

When it's in Japan. Here's a shot. Looks a lot like IHOP, doesn't it? It's just as bustling, too. We showed up at the 100-Yen-Per-Plate-Sushi-Restaurant-That-Probably-Has-A-Name-But-I-Can't-Read-It-Because-It's-In-Japanese and faced the first challenge--checking in. A monitor greets the customers, where you indicate how many in your party and whether you want a booth or counter. We got our ticket …

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